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Southern Seas Archived Acts / act28-game
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 26-Apr-22 01:02 PM
Late afternoon - 58th day of Summer, 57AD After the discussion with the party, Angon summons Indrian and the scouts. Herm and Apinro join the gathering as well. "We have come far, my fellow Seekers and friends. The cost has been high - this city has claimed six of our fellow crew. It has also affected our friends in dreadful ways. (she looks at TAKASHI with sympathy). And yet, we have found far more evidence that may guide us Home than any other Search has done before. It lay hidden right in front of our eyes, but the skies have cleared for us." She pauses and continues. "I desperately wish to follow the clues right now, for we are so close to perhaps walking in the very footsteps of the first elves to arrive. Yet, wisdom must prevail and this must be shared with the others. Our Elder may be able to read these clues more clearly and provide additional information to make our next journey more successful. So, we will return to the camp. I believe Shaiman will have moved the camp up the beach closer to Ramathia, so our journey will take us back that way." She continues... "We must return to the sewers, though, to regain our lost crew. Once we have them, we can go back the way we came... across the bridge to the docks, then across the bay and along the wall to the beach to the south. I wish to avoid as much travel through that accursed city as possible." Angon looks around for disagreement. Indrian nods her assent. Angon and Indrian begin to explain themselves and the plan to Apinro, between a lot of pointing, waving of hands and repeating of both elven and human words. Eventually, Apinro nods vigorously, apparently ready to leave as well. While that happens, Herm comes over to you all. He seems hesitant as he asks "Will... will... I be welcome?" he swallows and tears come to his eyes. "There is nothing... no, nothing for me now... nothing left..."
Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) 26-Apr-22 06:29 PM
Graian reaches out a hand and puts it on Herm's arm, "Of course you are welcome, we are friends and have been through much, even in this short time."
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 26-Apr-22 07:18 PM
Bellesh sits in the corner quietly, scratching his familiar on the back of the neck and thinking to himself as he waits for everyone to be ready to set out.
TAKASHI (Alan) 27-Apr-22 09:37 AM
TAKASHI nods at Graian's words. "We do not leave our friends behind, Herm. You are welcome to come with us as long as you like, unless and until you find someplace you'd like to settle down in. Our home is a small village called Appleton on the mainland that we are fond of, though Skalfier may be more to your liking if you like larger cities."
CALLIN 27-Apr-22 12:18 PM
CALLIN nods. "Having you in Appleton would be a welcome addition Herm!"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 27-Apr-22 02:52 PM
Herm gulps and bobs his head in embarrassment. "You all are very kind. Th' madness of being alone with m'thoughts was too much... but seeing the ghosts freed and being around you, has left me wantin' to be around people again. Appleton sounds wonderful. Maybe they'll have a use for an old soldier." ... (edited)
Angon and Indrian finish their halting discussion with Apinro, who seems altogether ready to go NOW. The young Wild Man motions to @ATACIUS (Gabriel) to join him to go down the stairs. Indrian speaks to @CALLIN "Once again, priest, your skills in opposing the unliving have saved us." she says. "However, we need to get down through the Great Hall to get to the sewers. Do you know if your powers will continue to work against the bonewalkers... and anything else that might have noticed?" Almanin, at hearing Indrian's query, seems to wince and rub his arms where the wraith had touched him and drained him of his life force. He glances at @TAKASHI (Alan) with unspoken shared sympathy.
CALLIN 27-Apr-22 02:59 PM
"The LIGHT always shines upon us Indrian. I shall strive to ensure it shines down upon those creatures of darkness as well!" CALLIN says
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 27-Apr-22 03:20 PM
Before following Apinro downstairs, ATACIUS will say to Herm "Your experience would be welcome in Appleton to train the militia!"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 27-Apr-22 03:36 PM
INDRIAN nods to @CALLIN and goes forward to direct her scouts. There is a quick discussion and then they start pulling slings out of their packs! In deliberate fashion, they begin to descend the stairs. Apinro follows, crouching low and looking nervous. Angon and Almanin follow, motioning to you all to come with. Herm stands before the elven mages, and Claudia is beside @TAKASHI (Alan) - her axe in her hand. The scouts descend to the landing leading to the first floor and crouch. INDRIAN turns to you all and whispers "The bonewalkers are gathered in a group in front of the great doors leading out, where Apinro had thrown the rock before. The way is clear to the side hall leading to the armory and sewer entrance. There are ten of those things now, I'm not sure where the others have come from. There is no way we can sneak past, they are facing in our direction. Hopefully, good priest, your powers will continue to favor us, otherwise we are prepared to come to blows!" What do you want to do?
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 27-Apr-22 06:17 PM
Bellesh stands ready with a spell in mind, and a few scrolls in his pockets in case Callin's turning goes sour.
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 27-Apr-22 10:35 PM
ATACIUS will ready his sling like the elves as he follows Apinro.
CALLIN 29-Apr-22 02:47 PM
Callin will raise his holy symbol and march toward the bone walkers. "Bath in the LIGHT for it shall wash the Darkness from your souls! Be free of the burden the darkness shoulders you with! May the LIGHT bring you peace and rest! " // Turning undead
Cynric 30-Apr-22 09:30 PM
Cynric raises his scimitar and shield and prepares to rush and open a way for the party through the skeleton group.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 02-May-22 09:21 AM
(I'm going to assume @TAKASHI (Alan) and Claudia are taking defensive positions to protect the mages to move the combat forward, and assume @Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) will do much the same -- if either of you wishes to do different, we'll do it in round 2!)
TAKASHI (Alan) 02-May-22 09:37 AM
(That works for me!)
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 02-May-22 10:13 AM
COMBAT ROUND 1 The skeletons, seizing the initiative, suddenly raise their swords, spears and shields and move as a group towards the fleeing Search - but now they have moved to the side of the Great Hall and central table that is nearest the door that the party wishes to go! TAKASHI and Claudia move in front of the mages, protecting them from any danger. Upon seeing the skeletons moving towards his objective, Apinro stops moving and grabs his sling to throw a stone along with the rest. The four elven scouts, Indrian, ATACIUS and Apinro all let loose their slings at short range! Three of the skeletons fall to the deadly barrage! At the same time, CALLIN raises his holy symbol and marches toward the bone walkers. "Bath in the LIGHT for it shall wash the Darkness from your souls! Be free of the burden the darkness shoulders you with! May the LIGHT bring you peace and rest!" CALLIN’s faith is strong and the remaining 7 skeletons turn and flee from the bright light emanating from the holy symbol! The strange black fire that surrounds them seems to flicker and recede. CYNRIC moves with CALLIN, raising his scimitar and shield and preparing to rush and open a way for the party through the skeleton group. BELLESH has a spell ready but does not let it loose. [DM note: I’m assuming you’d save it. If not, let me know!] @SouthernSeas - What do you all want to do now? (still in combat rounds until you’ve either dispatched the skeletons or exited the area.)
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 02-May-22 10:18 AM
Bellesh lets out a breath in relief and asks one of the scouts, "Can we get out now? Can you lead the way?"
Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) 02-May-22 03:02 PM
Graian nods, "Yes, we should try to get out as quickly as possible, between the slings and Callan's faith we have given the opportunity."
TAKASHI (Alan) 02-May-22 04:58 PM
"Claudia and I will guard the rear, in case they turn to face us as we flee. Quickly, let us make haste!"
CALLIN 02-May-22 09:07 PM
Callin will stay back as well holding his holy symbol high keeping the creatures at bay while the group flees
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 03-May-22 11:44 AM
COMBAT ROUND 2 “INDRIAN! Let’s go!” Angon calls out and Indrian snaps a quick command to her scouts. They, along with CALLIN, TAKASHI, Claudia and CYNRIC, take defensive positions between the skeletons and party. Apinro reaches the slightly ajar door leading to the barracks/armory (where you came from originally) and pushes past it into the hallway, followed by Herm, ATACIUS, Angon, Almanin, GRAIAN and BELLESH. The skeletons remain cowering at the great double doors leading out of the Keep, flinching at the light cast from CALLIN’s holy symbol. “As much as I want to smash these vile things into the ground, I also want to simply leave this accursed place.” Indrian mutters to the warriors near her. She glances behind her to watch the others make it through the door. There are two major groups now - those still in the Great Hall (@CALLIN, @TAKASHI (Alan), @Cynric) and those in the guards’ wing following Apinro and Herm (@ATACIUS (Gabriel) , @Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) , @Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)) to the armory towards the basement/sewer. Great Hall group - what will you do? Guards’ Wing group - what will you do? (edited)
TAKASHI (Alan) 03-May-22 12:41 PM
"Well, CALLIN - shall carefully follow the others now, holding your symbol aloft? It seems as if they really do not like that at all."
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 03-May-22 12:45 PM
Bellesh continues quickly and cautiously making his way towards the exit in an orderly fashion, while making sure Jellesh is coming along and sparing a look or two back at the Great Hall to see if the others are coming.
CALLIN 03-May-22 05:54 PM
"Yes TAKASHI, lets fall back with the others." CALLIN will hold the rear allowing the turn to keep the creatures at bay.
Cynric 03-May-22 06:02 PM
« Let’s run and find the others » , adds Cynric.
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 04-May-22 08:55 AM
ATACIUS will keep moving following Apinro and Herm.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 04-May-22 11:30 AM
COMBAT ROUND 3 The mages, Apinro, Herm and @ATACIUS (Gabriel) sprint down the large hallway, past the still-closed doors leading to quarters and make their way into the smaller hallway leading to the armory with the weapons and inanimate skeletons lying scattered about. The large door leading to the basement/sewers is still open as you left it. Angon and Almanin appear to want to pause, but Herm and Apinro go through the door to descend the stairs. Out in the Great Hall, once the mages and others have gone through the door, the elven scouts begin to retreat carefully, with @TAKASHI (Alan) and Claudia following them. Finally, Indrian, @Cynric and lastly, CALLIN - his holy symbol still held high - move through the door into the guard’s wing. They make their way to the armory, where the mages wait, but Herm and Apinro are already moving to the basement. @Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) and @Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) are waiting for the PCs to join them. “Let us continue!” Angon urges. “How long will your powers keep those unliving at bay?” she asks @CALLIN. Still in combat rounds for now, until the turn effect on the skeleton ends. What do you want to do now? @SouthernSeas
CALLIN 04-May-22 12:08 PM
"I am not sure... I am only directing the LIGHT, it does not come from me" CALLIN says quickly before focusing again on his Faith and Holy Symbol attempting to keep the creatures at bay
CALLIN will fall back with the rest doing his best to keep the creatures away from the group
TAKASHI (Alan) 04-May-22 01:21 PM
"I think we have safely passed by them - perhaps we should now move as quickly as we can to leave the area before the LIGHT fades."
Cynric 04-May-22 02:47 PM
Cynric agrees and nods at Takashi’s suggestion, and begins to walk towards Atacius and the others.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 05-May-22 01:46 PM
COMBAT ROUNDS 4-7 You all eventually make it down the stairs and along the turning passageway to get back to the mustering room where Captain Shelby's spirit was freed, along with the other ghostly guards. The turned skeletons do not pursue and... as far as you can tell... you've made it out of the Keep itself safely and unnoticed! Combat over. Do you wish to return to the surface the same way you came in? If so, then we can jump to that point (barring any random encounters that the dice might roll up...). If you wish to explore the sewers, that's an option as well! (edited)
CALLIN 05-May-22 06:29 PM
Callin would prefer to come back the way they came. Ensure we report back to the Elders in our findings
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 05-May-22 06:54 PM
ATACIUS agrees with @CALLIN.
Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) 06-May-22 09:39 AM
GRAIAN nods in agreement, "Yes, let us get out here as quickly as possible and return to the camp."
👍 1
TAKASHI (Alan) 06-May-22 11:18 AM
TAKASHI agrees as well. Better to be safe than sorry in this damned environment. (edited)
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 06-May-22 11:20 AM
(OK, let me throw some dice, see what they say and I'll update you either at an encounter or back at the camp.)
(I'm assuming @Cynric will agree... )
👍 1
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 06-May-22 03:58 PM
58 - 60th day of Summer, 57 AD The trip through the sewers is quiet. Unfortunately, it's not quick and becomes a bit gruesome, as the party has to stop to retrieve the six bodies of the elves who fell to the oil trap. Indrian enlists the help of those willing within the party, so that the scouts may continue to do their job. She will carry one herself. The journey continues, albiet very slowly. After making your way through the remainder of the passages leading back to the entry near the fountain, and taking the time to transfer the bodies up to the surface, it is nightime. Apinro makes it clear that he doesn't want to stay within the city at night, so it is a slow and anxious walk down the long bridge that takes you back to the shipwreck filled dock island. With the help of Herm, you secure a quiet and safe spot for a rest, though no fires are lit at the urging of Herm. "Those things... they see the fire and they come to investigate." he warns. In the morning, you begin the trek towards the western edge of the island, back the way you originally came. There is a small boat or two that you end up using to transport the bodies through the water back to the main island. Once on the beach, you make your way up the lava cliffs and across the field of lava rock, parallel to the city walls. By afternoon, you are back in jungle. Here, there are materials to rig up travois for the bodies, which is quickly done. This makes getting through the jungle to the beach that leads to the gate of Ramathia easier, but evening comes and you are forced to camp out once again, but this time on a beach that is not under threat of the unliving! The elves cheer up some after the arduous journey and even Indrian seems to relax a bit. Jellesh sniffs the air and growls/mews to himself softly, snuggling up to BELLESH. Emotions flood the young mage as he feels a slight bit of homesickness and missing of its parents from the young winged panther. (edited)
The evening passes without incident and morning finds you all breaking camp and making your way down the beach. As promised, the elves have moved the ships and camp closer, you encounter the perimeter guards mid-morning and soon enough, you are back among the tents and supplies of the Search! Many elves gather around you as you make your way in, their voices talking over one another rather excitedly. Shaiman comes out of his tent and his worried face breaks out into a smile at first, but then becomes sorrowful as he sees the travois with the fallen. "You are most well come, my brothers, sisters and friends." he says. "After being gone without word for almost ten days, we wondered if something had happened... I had begun considering sending a group to the city to investigate." "Where is the Elder?" Angon asks. "We have found... I think we've found what we're looking for!" Shaiman starts at Angon's words and the elves around you begin talking even more loudly and excitedly. Shaiman motionos you all to follow as he and Angon begin walking over to Eraiel's tent. The books, scrolls and papers are delivered to the wizened old elf, whose look of astonishment is extremely visible on the normally composed and controlled elf. His hands shake somewhat as he begins to thumb carefully through them. There is a slight commotion as the Seadreamer elf Sinyr pushes his way through the crowd to come close to Shaiman and Araiel. He looks just as astonished as the Elder does when he's told the news. "By wind and sky, this is incredible!" Sinyr exclaims. "I will need time to go through these documents and read them to understand what you've managed to find." Eraiel finally manages to speak, in a slightly shaky voice. Shaiman nods, bows and begins to usher you all out of the tent. (edited)
That evening, a memorial is given for the fallen elves, with the songs that you heard earlier when the elves mourned the loss of the Lustrina to the whirlpool in the Harbor of Ramathia. Shaiman asks if any of the party would like to speak of the fallen, or of the search you just did in the "City of Death" as the elves have taken to calling Ramathia. (In elvish, this would be Hadaincoer).
TAKASHI (Alan) 07-May-22 01:37 PM
TAKASHI can bear witness to what some of the fallen can do, by showing those that are willing to look his wound that will not heal. "Not all are as bad nor as capable as the ones that did this to me, but their numbers are great indeed. It truly is now a City of Death, no matter how grand it was in the past. I'm not sure what it would take to clean the presence of so many undead. Many of your people, whom we got to know and considered our friends, were lost in our trip. We can only hope that the information we found will benefit your people as whole."
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 09-May-22 08:52 AM
@TAKASHI (Alan) - the elves listen quietly to your words and when you are done, both Indrian and Angon stand. "Your words honor the fallen." Indrian intones in a ritualistic voice. "I too have suffered the touch, and this brave warrior, despite having sacrificed his life energy to the wraith, has never shirked in his protection of the Search. His words honor and uplift the fallen." Angon says, her voice slightly breaking at first. Shaiman bows in TAKASHI's direction and then looks out. "Who else would be willing to speak for the fallen?"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 13-May-22 09:09 AM
1 - 10 Autumn, 57 AD It is the first tenday of Autumn, usually a time of celebration for humans. With the ending of summer, the harvest begins - collecting the grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Dances, singing, feasting and a lot of work in preparation for the coming winter. The elves mark their calendars differently, but they too recognize the changing of the seasons in their own way - a time of reflection and of cleaning up, stocking up and preparation. The mood in the camp is light and happy, as the success of the Search has infused the elves with a feeling of accomplishment and wonder. There are many outbursts of old songs and poetry handed down and little used - until now.
. For @TAKASHI (Alan), the tenday is taken up with more training with Claudia. It's clear that the experiences she's had with traveling with you have left lessons that she's taken to heart. You would reckon that she is now as skilled as some Veterans, perhaps even as skilled as a Warrior. There's a confidence in her stride and bearing. Where before she would be timid and unsure in her sparring with you, now there's an eagerness and even a cunning as she uses her dexterity to avoid blows that would have knocked her over earlier. @Cynric, you are about as equally matched as Claudia when you participate in sparring with her. Your strength gives you an edge in sheer power over her, but her nimbleness gives you a few challenges of your own! The elves also ask you to help them with various tasks requiring strength, and you notice them admiring you when you do so. @CALLIN, the days bring a serenity and quiet - similar to the same peace that occurred last Winter in Appleton. Each day, you can see the sun break over the ocean horizon. There are plenty of opportunities for you to do whatever brings you closer to your faith. TAKASHI gives you a carnelian gem which he and ATACIUS suggest you have mounted on your shield. "It is said that it has magical properties against the undead!" the littleling smiles at you.
. Speaking of @ATACIUS (Gabriel), the days are easy, especially with the potent pipe weed liberated from Ramathia. Time apparently aged that leaf well and the sunrises and sunsets are very vivid with color after having a smoke or two. For the mages @Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) and @Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) , there is time to copy the spell scrolls that you have recovered into your books, as well as a bit of training and play with Jellesh - the link between young mage and familiar seems to strengthen with Jellesh listening to you more. Beyond that, the mages spend the days in discussion with Angon and Almanin over the events in Ramathia. These are joined by any party members who wish to participate, as well as Shaiman. He is clearly impatient to see what Eraiel discovers, and you detect a bit of jealousy when he reveals that Sinyr has been seen helping the Elder! "I had forgotten that Sinyr was related to and trained by a Seadreamer Elder." Shaiman grumbles. "I'm sure he's helping Eraiel, but to know that he's getting to see and hear things before I... " and he sighs, disgustedly.
. It is the tenth day when @ATACIUS (Gabriel), on a pipe-weed "enhanced" walkabout stumbles quite literally onto a strange obelisk lying along the forest edge and beach. It is clearly some sort of manufactured stone object - fallen off its base and pitted/cracked with obvious age. There are pictograms and script engraved into the stone that ATACIUS doesn't recognize. As news of this discovery goes through the camp, the elves and any of the party interested make their way to this find and it's soon established that the script resembles ancient elven script, but the pictograms are nothing that anyone recognizes! They seem to resemble fish and other undersea creatures and flora. There's a debate on whether or not to move the obelisk to camp, or to leave it where it fell, but eventually, it is hoisted on a quickly built travois and dragged back to camp.
. It is dusk by the time this is accomplished, and the object is brought close to the campfires. A runner is sent to Eraiel's tent to fetch him ... ... and he returns with a puzzled expression. "Shaiman, the Elder is not in his tent!" Shaiman looks confused. "He is not with us... " and then he looks around. "Sinyr! Come forth!" he calls out loudly. Other elves go poking around the various tents and the perimeter, calling out for the Elder and Sinyr. After a few turns, two things become clear - The Elder is not in the camp, along with any Seadreamers! And... Apinro is also gone.
TAKASHI (Alan) 13-May-22 10:47 AM
TAKASHI looks alarmed at the news, then barks out "Check the boats!"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 13-May-22 02:15 PM
Shaiman nods to @TAKASHI (Alan) "Good idea!" A quick check shows that all the smaller boats are present on the beach. Quickly, two groups are detailed to take boats back to the Celeste and Amarisa. While they are there, Shaiman has Indrian take several scouts to search in the forest along the border of the camp. He paces back and forth, looking very worried. The boats begin to return, but the sharp-eyed among the elves report that neither Sinyr nor Eraiel are on the boats. Indrian and her scouts return. "Eraiel and the Seadreamers are not near the camp!" she says in a tight voice. "But... we have found sign of a large party moving through the jungle, and we found this... " She holds out her hand which has a single sling bullet in it. @ATACIUS (Gabriel) recognizes it as similar to the ones he carried... and gave a few to Apinro! (edited)
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 13-May-22 05:55 PM
As soon as the obelisk was found, Bellesh would've wanted to try his knew comprehend languages spell on the engravings ASAP! When he hears what Indrian has to report, he exclaims, "We have to go after them!"
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 13-May-22 09:10 PM
ATACIUS grabs the bullet and ponders. "Maybe Apinro was taken against his will and is leaving these as a trail of breadcrumbs for us to follow!" (edited)
TAKASHI (Alan) 14-May-22 01:09 PM
"Good thinking, ATACIUS. That sounds like something that you'd think up!". Unless BELLESH discovers something amazing by consulting the obelisk. I think that we should arm up and follow the trail. I doubt that the Seadreamers are up to any good.
👍 1
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 16-May-22 11:56 AM
@Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) - we'll count this as you having had that spell memorized for the current day - 10 Autumn. So you're one spell down now. Here's what the script said: "Having escaped from those who would enslave us to never-ending war, we set this monument here in hopes that from where the sun rises to where the sun sets, from the top of the oceans to the bottom of the lands, we may one day rejoin our brothers and sisters." (edited)
@ATACIUS (Gabriel) and @TAKASHI (Alan) - Indrian nods to you both. "He's a smart one, but if he is indeed heading through the jungles, he would most likely be faster than us, even under duress. But... where would they be going? The city?"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz)
@Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) - we'll count this as you having had that spell memorized for the current day - 10 Autumn. So you're one spell down now. Here's what the script said: "Having escaped from those who would enslave us to never-ending war, we set this monument here in hopes that from where the sun rises to where the sun sets, from the top of the oceans to the bottom of the lands, we may one day rejoin our brothers and sisters." (edited)
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 16-May-22 12:05 PM
Ok thanks, so noted! Bellesh would share this with @Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) and the rest of the party.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
Ok thanks, so noted! Bellesh would share this with @Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) and the rest of the party.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 16-May-22 01:17 PM
Angon reacts with shock at your translation. "BELLESH, do you remember what I read from the song map from the library... 'To hide from our lost brothers and sisters, who will always hate us for who we are.'" "It makes no sense!" she exclaims. "War, wounded who were brought here - wounded in battle, hiding and hate, and this longing for reunification with brothers and sisters. Yet none of this is told in our stories, only that we were lost during travel and ended up here!"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz)
Angon reacts with shock at your translation. "BELLESH, do you remember what I read from the song map from the library... 'To hide from our lost brothers and sisters, who will always hate us for who we are.'" "It makes no sense!" she exclaims. "War, wounded who were brought here - wounded in battle, hiding and hate, and this longing for reunification with brothers and sisters. Yet none of this is told in our stories, only that we were lost during travel and ended up here!"
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 16-May-22 02:38 PM
Bellesh thinks deeply, trying to figure out some answers for Angon. "There must've been some other kind of elves out there; the ones these elves with the obelisk were running from... but what could make them so different that they would hate them? And this bit here about 'from the top of the oceans to the bottom of the lands'? Could that be a clue to the direction where these obelisk-elves went to?"
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
Bellesh thinks deeply, trying to figure out some answers for Angon. "There must've been some other kind of elves out there; the ones these elves with the obelisk were running from... but what could make them so different that they would hate them? And this bit here about 'from the top of the oceans to the bottom of the lands'? Could that be a clue to the direction where these obelisk-elves went to?"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 16-May-22 03:31 PM
"Perhaps..." Angon replies. "But if that were true, or if there was something new to learn, why and where have Sinyr and the Elder gone with Apinro? It makes no sense!"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz)
"Perhaps..." Angon replies. "But if that were true, or if there was something new to learn, why and where have Sinyr and the Elder gone with Apinro? It makes no sense!"
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 16-May-22 03:48 PM
Bellesh nods. "We need to find them..." After the conversation, Bellesh will make sure he's packed and ready with supplies for himself and his familiar so that they can give chase. Was there anything in the notes about flying panthers that mentioned their sense of smell, or hunting/tracking abilities, if any?
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
Bellesh nods. "We need to find them..." After the conversation, Bellesh will make sure he's packed and ready with supplies for himself and his familiar so that they can give chase. Was there anything in the notes about flying panthers that mentioned their sense of smell, or hunting/tracking abilities, if any?
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 16-May-22 03:59 PM
Was there anything in the notes about flying panthers that mentioned their sense of smell, or hunting/tracking abilities, if any?
They have the normal abilities that any cat/predator would have. Whether you can take advantage of it would be you working with the creature, although you get the feeling from the book that you are reading that most mages aren't the adventuring/tracking type - speaking more of the ability of the creature to be a guardian of sorts.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz)
Was there anything in the notes about flying panthers that mentioned their sense of smell, or hunting/tracking abilities, if any?
They have the normal abilities that any cat/predator would have. Whether you can take advantage of it would be you working with the creature, although you get the feeling from the book that you are reading that most mages aren't the adventuring/tracking type - speaking more of the ability of the creature to be a guardian of sorts.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 16-May-22 04:03 PM
Not much help there, but he would certainly try and communicate to Jellesh what they're trying to do, and see if coming up with some clothing or other item with a scent on it would be helpful.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
Not much help there, but he would certainly try and communicate to Jellesh what they're trying to do, and see if coming up with some clothing or other item with a scent on it would be helpful.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 16-May-22 04:07 PM
Apinro left no clothing and, there is very little left in the Seadreamer area of the camp. Jellesh finds great happiness in playing in some of the Elder's clothing, apparently pouncing is now a thing. 😂
(What does the @SouthernSeas party want to do?)
DM (Michael/Chgowiz)
Apinro left no clothing and, there is very little left in the Seadreamer area of the camp. Jellesh finds great happiness in playing in some of the Elder's clothing, apparently pouncing is now a thing. 😂
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 16-May-22 04:12 PM
Well, Jellesh certainly has the scent now, and the young mage is perfectly happy to let him shred the Elder's clothes if he wants to. But not for long, we have to get moving!
TAKASHI (Alan) 16-May-22 04:19 PM
"If we can follow their tracks, perhaps we can catch up with them if we are lucky."
Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) 17-May-22 10:37 AM
Graian nods slowly, "They have a head start but they must have left a trail we can follow, given the number of them."
Cynric 17-May-22 12:18 PM
"Yes, let's try to find their tracks. We must hurry, to catch up with them!", adds Cynric.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 17-May-22 03:10 PM
@SouthernSeas - how will you track/follow the group through the jungle?
TAKASHI (Alan) 17-May-22 04:09 PM
"BELLESH, can your familiar track them?"
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 17-May-22 07:02 PM
"I don't think so @TAKASHI (Alan), he's not much of a hunter. I let him get into Eraiel's clothes though, so if we get close he might smell the scent. I'm thinking we could follow the signs of them moving through the jungle instead, and watch for any clues that Apinro might've left for us."
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 18-May-22 01:11 PM
Indrian comes up to you with a new team of ten scouts, armed with swords, bows and leather armor. Shaiman also approach. "I am coming with!" Shaiman declares, and both Angon and Indrian look unhappy with his statement. "The Search now balances on a knife's edge and I would not be the rightful leader if I didn't come with to understand and possibly fix what is happening." Indrian sighs and throws up her hand. She looks at the @SouthernSeas party. "We stand ready, although we're not the wildmen of these lands. If you are ready, we'll try to move through the forest and follow." She points to the west, in the direction of the great volcano jutting up above the canopy. "As best we can tell, they headed in that direction." The elves arrange themselves into a marching order, and look to see where you want to be at.
TAKASHI (Alan) 18-May-22 04:15 PM
"I'll follow the lead scouts, with Claudia at my side."
Cynric 18-May-22 06:50 PM
Cynric waves his arm at his friends and motions them to line up, behind Takashi and Claudia. "I'm going to bring up the rear," adds the young Fighter.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 18-May-22 07:40 PM
Bellesh lines up and tries to induce his familiar to walk along side him by dangling some food.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 20-May-22 10:47 AM
10 - 11 Au, 57AD The going through the forest is rough, slow, and full of stops/starts. The vegetation varies from easy to pass in thicker groves of trees, to areas that must be pushed (or hacked) though, to huge, impassible briar patches that the scouts try to avoid, necessitating going around and then trying to get back to the same direction. It is impossible to tell if the Seadreamers, the Elder and Apinro have come this way and after some time, the elves admit that they cannot see any sign of passage. With the thick forest, It feels like a wandering path of loops and circles, and Indrian often sends a scout up to a tree top to see which direction they are headed. You are headed towards the volcano, although the route you end up taking is more of a direction to a point between the volcano and the city. That evening, you attempt to sleep in the woods, although the bugs bother you greatly and the elves are especially worried about the strange worms that Apinro had been able to keep away. It's a broken sleep, mixed in with being woken up by the campfire smoke that the elves keep heavy to try to keep the insects away. The next day is more of the same in the forest, but then in the afternoon, as you take a much needed break, you spot an unusual sight nearby. There is a group of trees blanketed in flowering vines. The flowers are beautiful, unlike anythnig you've ever seen. The colors are bright and varied - reds, blues, yellows, whites, oranges. Claudia is especially entranced by them.
TAKASHI (Alan) 20-May-22 02:31 PM
"Beware of those vines, Claudia. In nature, such out of place beauty can mean extreme danger to the unwary." TAKASHI will look around for a large branch or heavier piece of foliage and throw it into the vines to see if anything stire.
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 20-May-22 03:15 PM
In all this travel through the forest we didn't find any more sling bullets or any noticeable trailblazing on the trees?
ATACIUS (Gabriel)
In all this travel through the forest we didn't find any more sling bullets or any noticeable trailblazing on the trees?
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 20-May-22 03:36 PM
Unfortunately, no
"Beware of those vines, Claudia. In nature, such out of place beauty can mean extreme danger to the unwary." TAKASHI will look around for a large branch or heavier piece of foliage and throw it into the vines to see if anything stire.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 20-May-22 03:40 PM
The stick knocks off a flower or two, with a small puff of stamens, petals and pollen, but nothing else happens. "Master, you're hurting the flowers!" Claudia says in a teasing-not-teasing voice.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 20-May-22 04:39 PM
Bellesh doesn't show any interest in the vines, he just makes sure that Jellesh isn't tempted to go play with them. Then he looks over to see what Angon is doing.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
Bellesh doesn't show any interest in the vines, he just makes sure that Jellesh isn't tempted to go play with them. Then he looks over to see what Angon is doing.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 20-May-22 04:41 PM
Jellesh is absolutely not interested in the flowers or vines, at one point coming close, she sniffed at it, sneezed and walked away. She's more interested in chasing bugs on the other trees. Angon is appreciating the break for a moment after sweating and struggling through the underbrush. Ever since it was discovered that the Elder (and the precious treasure of books/papers) was missing, she has seemed anxious.
Cynric 21-May-22 10:13 AM
Cynric peeks more closely in the forest around. Does it seem that the company is being followed or spied on?
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 21-May-22 10:21 AM
You don't see or feel anything, and none of the scouts have seen any signs that you're being followed.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 21-May-22 03:04 PM
Bellesh approaches Angon shyly and asks if she'd like to see some of the books he brought out of Ramathia.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
Bellesh approaches Angon shyly and asks if she'd like to see some of the books he brought out of Ramathia.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 21-May-22 08:49 PM
Angon finishes her drink of water and a quick bite and smiles. "Of course! Perhaps tonight when we encamp, you can show me what you found of interest!" Indrian looks at the rest of the @SouthernSeas party to see if they're ready to move on from the flowered vines and continue the trek.
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 22-May-22 12:31 AM
Atacius nods to Indrian as he checks his equipment.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 23-May-22 10:16 AM
11 - 12 Au, 57AD With a sigh, Claudia falls into formation with the rest of the party, looking back at the flowers wistfully. Soon enough, you are back to your trek through the forest, heading into the direction of the volcano. Evening comes and the party pitches camp in the forest again. Angon invites BELLESH over to show his books and together, they begin to read through "The Spells of Kriz'so-tul-Uvras - A Study". It is slow going, this is an in-depth study of the spells and research of a mage who was exploring the modification of magic to suit their purposes. Still, Angon praises and encourages BELLESH through the discussion. It is another night of uncomfortable sleeping with the bugs and watches ensuring that nothing happens. The morning dawns and the party is a bit slower to get going with the lack of restful sleep. Close to mid-morning, the scouts report back that there is a small group of buildings up ahead, perhaps a village, and the inhabitants - Wild Folk - are gathered in obvious defensive positions - they know you are coming! What will you do?
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 23-May-22 02:13 PM
Bellesh: "We should talk with them, and find out what's going on."
TAKASHI (Alan) 24-May-22 01:34 PM
"I agree, if we can communicate with them effectively. Let's try not to show any aggression and ask if they have seen Apinro."
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 25-May-22 09:47 AM
Indrian and Angon nod to @Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) and @TAKASHI (Alan). The two elves make exaggerated slow movements to disarm and step forward with arms held out in an obvious "we're no threat" manner. For a few minutes, the Wild Folk speak to each other in their odd mixture of elf and few recognizable human words - most of the words are intelligible. They don't, however, lower their spears, and you get the general feeling that they're upset about something.
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 25-May-22 10:32 AM
ATACIUS steps forward and does as if he is looking for someone (behind trees, parting bushes, etc) while he repeats "Apinro? Apinro, where are you?"
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 25-May-22 10:38 AM
Since it's a new day, Bellesh could cast Comprehend Languages again so that he can understand one of the Wild Folk, translate for the others and aid in communication. He'll let the rest of the party know that, but also explains that he has to touch whoever is speaking as part of the spell, so we have to gain their trust enough that they would let him do that.
ATACIUS (Gabriel)
ATACIUS steps forward and does as if he is looking for someone (behind trees, parting bushes, etc) while he repeats "Apinro? Apinro, where are you?"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 25-May-22 11:22 AM
At first, the Wild Men seem startled by @ATACIUS (Gabriel) pantomiming looking around, but after a moment or two, there is a visible relaxation among some of them and even a low chuckle or two. Two of the Wild Folk in front, a man and a woman, both armed with spears and wearing a bit more in their hair than the rest, talk to each other and step forward as well. You hear the woman say "Apinro" and some other words and the man nods and points to the littleling, motioning him to come closer. "Be careful, BELLESH." Angon warns. "They may not understand, or even allow such things. ATACIUS has some experience talking to Apinro, mayhaps he can get us to that point where you can cast your spell."
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 25-May-22 02:20 PM
Bellesh lets @ATACIUS (Gabriel) know what he's planning, but lets the littleling take the lead in approaching them.
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 25-May-22 03:13 PM
ATACIUS approaches the Wild Folk couple pointing at himself and saying his name. He also put his hands together, like a handshake, and says "Atacius, Apinro, friends". He then extends his hand to them hoping they give him a handshake. The plan is to then motion @Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) to come near so he can shake hands too and deliver his spell. He will point at BELLESH, put his hands together and say "Bellesh, Apnro, friends". (edited)
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 25-May-22 03:39 PM
The two Wild Folk watch @ATACIUS (Gabriel) carefully. They speak to each other quite rapidly in their sing-song language, and then the woman approaches the littleling. She holds her spear so that it's vertical, but the man continues to hold his at the ready. "You (strange words) here. We (strange words) and see (strange words). You (strange words) Apinro. We (strange words) Apinro." and she points to the sky with one finger, sweeping it across from horizon to horizon, ending the sweep pointing in the direction that lies to the right of the volcano, but not a great deal. "You (strange words) but we (strange words) now." She then looks at you expectantly. (edited)
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 25-May-22 04:01 PM
Atacius strains to understand what she's saying. ''All right lady, I got about half of what you said. So, Apinro passed a day ago to the volcano...." He gets some twigs, sticks one into the ground. Then, a couple of feet away, he sticks another and then 5 or 6 more around it. He points at the first one and says "Apinro". Then points to the one surrounded and says "Apinro", points at the rest and says "Elfs" making the gesture of pointy ears.
ATACIUS (Gabriel)
Atacius strains to understand what she's saying. ''All right lady, I got about half of what you said. So, Apinro passed a day ago to the volcano...." He gets some twigs, sticks one into the ground. Then, a couple of feet away, he sticks another and then 5 or 6 more around it. He points at the first one and says "Apinro". Then points to the one surrounded and says "Apinro", points at the rest and says "Elfs" making the gesture of pointy ears.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 25-May-22 06:44 PM
The woman watches you intently and then nods vigorously. "Yea, Apinro and (strange word). (strange words but she makes an angry face and shakes her spear)! They (points in the same direction)." she says. Then the man says "Anahala. (strange words)" and he pulls something from his belt pouch hanging to his side. He shows it to @ATACIUS (Gabriel) . It's a small metal rod, about the size of a candle. @TAKASHI (Alan) - it is the strange rod that you found in the guards' quarters in the sewers under the Keep in Ramathia.
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 26-May-22 08:17 AM
"It's the rod @TAKASHI (Alan) found in the city! He's leaving a trail for us to follow." he says to the group. "We'll find Apinro and bring him back!" Atacius says to Anahala, then breaks the twigs surrounding the one.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 26-May-22 08:31 AM
Bellesh turns to @ATACIUS (Gabriel) and nods. "But what are those other elves up to? We should probably try to find out as much as we can from these wild ones while we're here. I have an idea, pretend like I'm casting a spell on you..." Facing the littleling, Bellesh moves his hands and arms similarly to how he would if he were casting a spell, and speaks gibberish words at the same volume and using the same tone of voice that he would for a spell. He finishes by making a big show of touching Atacius on the shoulder. Then he smiles. "Ok, now try and ask Anahala if he would let me do the same thing to him."
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 26-May-22 12:33 PM
Atacius, smile on his face, reaches with his hand to Anahala and motions her to stand beside him. "It's all right Anahala, he's Bellesh. We're friends." He points at Bellesh, then at her and taps his shoulder.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 26-May-22 01:01 PM
(Nice guess, figuring out that Anahala is her name.) While Anahala smiles and is willing to stand by @ATACIUS (Gabriel), her companion is greatly alarmed and yells out, raising his spear, as do many of the other who had been standing back, watching! The woman looks alarmed at the man, who speaks rapidly. It's clear that he sees some sort of threat to Anahala. Eventually, she gets in a few words edgewise, and by the way she's pointing and the suddenly "Wat?!?" look on the man's face, she's said the equivalent of "Fine, you don't want me to do the thing, then YOU do the thing." The man's eyes are wide as he stands beside @ATACIUS (Gabriel), and he watches @Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) very carefully, the spear trembling from his hands shaking.
TAKASHI (Alan) 26-May-22 01:08 PM
TAKASHI smirks with amusement at the proceedings, but is very careful to not distract BELLESH from his task.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 26-May-22 01:34 PM
Bellesh gulps when he sees the spears raised, but tries to maintain his focus as he casts comprehend languages. He attempts to move in the same fashion and speak in the same tone as he did when performing for Atacius, but this time taps Anahala on the shoulder at the appropriate moment.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
Bellesh gulps when he sees the spears raised, but tries to maintain his focus as he casts comprehend languages. He attempts to move in the same fashion and speak in the same tone as he did when performing for Atacius, but this time taps Anahala on the shoulder at the appropriate moment.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 26-May-22 02:49 PM
The man closes his eyes, clenches his teeth and grips his spear tightly as you touch his shoulder. He stops breathing for a moment, then cautiously opens one eye and looks around. He then turns and looks at Anahala with a puzzled look. "Nothing has happened when the hairless boy touched me!" he says. "I don't know what to think!" The woman shakes her head and says back "I (strange words) you. You (strange words) them." The man turns and looks at @ATACIUS (Gabriel) and @Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) with an expectant "Well now what" look.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz)
The man closes his eyes, clenches his teeth and grips his spear tightly as you touch his shoulder. He stops breathing for a moment, then cautiously opens one eye and looks around. He then turns and looks at Anahala with a puzzled look. "Nothing has happened when the hairless boy touched me!" he says. "I don't know what to think!" The woman shakes her head and says back "I (strange words) you. You (strange words) them." The man turns and looks at @ATACIUS (Gabriel) and @Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) with an expectant "Well now what" look.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 26-May-22 03:31 PM
Bellesh giggles and claps his hands once, giddy with how well the spell appears to be working! He points to his own chest, then to his head, then to the man in succession as he says, "I... understand... you!" Then, he pats the top of his head and says, "Yes, I am hairless!" He turns to @ATACIUS (Gabriel) and says, "Do you think you can ask them questions so we can learn more? They seem to understand you better."
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 26-May-22 04:20 PM
Atacius pats the Wild Folk man and motions him to lower the spear. "See? Anahala was right. You can trust us." He then points at the broken twigs around the standing one and asks the Wild Folk man "Tell me about the elfs."
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
Bellesh giggles and claps his hands once, giddy with how well the spell appears to be working! He points to his own chest, then to his head, then to the man in succession as he says, "I... understand... you!" Then, he pats the top of his head and says, "Yes, I am hairless!" He turns to @ATACIUS (Gabriel) and says, "Do you think you can ask them questions so we can learn more? They seem to understand you better."
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 26-May-22 10:19 PM
The man looks at you with some confusion and turns back to Anahala. "The hairless boy speaks as if I'm to understand him, but it is just gibberish. What did he do?" Anahala shakes her head and shrugs. @ATACIUS (Gabriel) - to you, it seems like he said "(strange words) I'm (strange words) him. (strange words) he (strange word)?" (edited)
ATACIUS (Gabriel)
Atacius pats the Wild Folk man and motions him to lower the spear. "See? Anahala was right. You can trust us." He then points at the broken twigs around the standing one and asks the Wild Folk man "Tell me about the elfs."
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 26-May-22 10:24 PM
The man turns from Anahala and watches/ listens, but he still doesn't seem to understand what you're saying. He looks at BELLESH again with bewilderment and shakes his head, walks back next to the woman. BELLESH hears him say "They are strange folk, but I think they mean well. They know of the boy Apinro from Opinru's family, and they do not seem as angry or rude as the others that were with him. Perhaps they seek to help him?" ATACIUS hears him say "They (strange words) I (strange words) well. They (strange words) Apinro Opinru (strange words) they (strange words) others (strange words) him. They (strange words) him?"
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 27-May-22 10:00 AM
As the man finishes, Bellesh says to him, "Yes! We want to help Apinro!" and nods vigorously. He tells @ATACIUS (Gabriel) exactly what was said, then gestures to the man with his hands to encourage him to keep talking.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
As the man finishes, Bellesh says to him, "Yes! We want to help Apinro!" and nods vigorously. He tells @ATACIUS (Gabriel) exactly what was said, then gestures to the man with his hands to encourage him to keep talking.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 27-May-22 10:31 AM
The man still doesn't seem to understand what BELLESH is saying, but he seems to react to your nod. "Imaro (strange words), yes?" the woman says. "Yea, they (###) his (###) I (###) ." the man says in a frustrated voice. "I (###) them (###) we (###)." He walks past you all to where the forest starts again - where you emerged - and walks exaggeratedly from there, making great effort to look angry?upset?afraid? He holds his wrists together and says "Apinro" and makes a sad face. He then uses a word that @Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) will understand as an older human word for "elf" and he holds up ten fingers then five fingers. He points in a path around the small group of buildings and back into the forest. He shakes his spear and acts as if he's creeping along, cautiously. He says "Imaro." He looks back at Anahala and says "I (###)"
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 27-May-22 12:26 PM
"He's showing us what he saw!", Bellesh tells the others excitedly as he follows the man over to where he's walking. When the man finishes speaking, Bellesh nods and grins in obvious comprehension. "They had Apinro captive," (he says while mimicing the wrists together gesture the man did) "there were 15 elves," (holding up 10 fingers, then 5), "and they went that way carefully, I assume towards the volcano." (He points towards the same path). Then, in a questioning voice, he asks, "Imaro?" If the man starts to gesture with his hands again, he'll take the man's hands gently, point to his mouth and his own mouth and say, "use your words."
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
"He's showing us what he saw!", Bellesh tells the others excitedly as he follows the man over to where he's walking. When the man finishes speaking, Bellesh nods and grins in obvious comprehension. "They had Apinro captive," (he says while mimicing the wrists together gesture the man did) "there were 15 elves," (holding up 10 fingers, then 5), "and they went that way carefully, I assume towards the volcano." (He points towards the same path). Then, in a questioning voice, he asks, "Imaro?" If the man starts to gesture with his hands again, he'll take the man's hands gently, point to his mouth and his own mouth and say, "use your words."
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 27-May-22 02:47 PM
The man cocks his head at BELLESH when the young mage says "Imaro" and the woman Anahala nods and smiles. The man seems puzzled by BELLESH's gestures, but then Anahala suddenly gets an "Aha!" look on her face and says something rapid-fire. "You (###)?" he asks BELLESH.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz)
The man cocks his head at BELLESH when the young mage says "Imaro" and the woman Anahala nods and smiles. The man seems puzzled by BELLESH's gestures, but then Anahala suddenly gets an "Aha!" look on her face and says something rapid-fire. "You (###)?" he asks BELLESH.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 27-May-22 04:43 PM
Bellesh nods and smiles broadly. "Yes!"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 31-May-22 09:50 AM
@SouthernSeas - Imaro looks very surprised at BELLESH, turns back to Anahala, shrugs his shoulders and speaks in rapid fire to BELLESH. While there's a lot of details that you don't get, @ATACIUS (Gabriel) and @Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris), along with the elves, get the general gist that indeed, Apinro and the group came through and headed on.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 31-May-22 02:22 PM
Bellesh nods and otherwise reacts to everything Imaro says, then turns to his party. He tells them, "It sounds like they definitely had the Elder with them, and they were being led by some sourpuss. They were carrying around the Elder, and had Apinro tied up. They asked Apinro if he wanted help, but he didn't want a fight so they held back. He told them they were heading to the Forbidden Caves near the Mountain of Flame. Also, Imaro said Apinro is in the same family as someone named Opinru? Don't know if that's important." "I'm thinking I should try and ask them if they know of a quicker way to get to those caves, so we can try and catch them or even get there before them... what do you guys think?" @SouthernSeas (edited)
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 31-May-22 03:09 PM
ATACIUS will quickly draw a couple of huts and a volcano on the ground and grab a couple of sticks. "Apinro" he says showing one, "Bellesh" he says showing another. Then move both from the huts to the volcano, making Bellesh reach it first. He will repeat it a couple of times and look at the Wild Man. "Can we get there first?¨
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 01-Jun-22 09:20 AM
Imaro looks at @ATACIUS (Gabriel) with amusement at first, but then thinks hard and nods. He speaks rapid-fire again to BELLESH. At his words, Anahala's eyes widen, but she remains silent.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 01-Jun-22 10:44 AM
Bellesh listens, and at one point gasps at what the man is saying to him. When Imaro finishes, the young wizard turns to the group, looking a little shaken. "He... he says that the way to the caves is over hard rock, and... there are GIANTS that live that way! They tried to warn Apinro, but..." He shudders. "He says that he can take us around the giants though, to another entrance that will get us to the caves... we might be able to beat them there! Something weird though, he says they can't enter the caves, only the elves can, so he won't take us all the way. Just a superstition, maybe?"
TAKASHI (Alan) 01-Jun-22 04:10 PM
"They seem to have managed to survive here for ages, so if it is superstition, I am sure there is something solid behind it. Nevertheless, let's go!"
Cynric 01-Jun-22 06:44 PM
"If Anpiro needs our help, we'd better not waste any minute. I say we accept their help and go to the caves by this other entrance."
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 02-Jun-22 11:04 AM
Bellesh turns back to Imaro and nods enthusiastically. He points at Imaro, then makes a sweeping gesture with his arm to indicate that he should lead on.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 02-Jun-22 11:49 AM
Imaro nods to the young mage and turns to Anahala. She nods in return and runs over to one of the huts. Meanwhile, Imaro has a quick discussion with other members of the village. In roughly a turn, Anahala returns with two leather bags, more spears and a bow with quiver and arrows. She has a knife (dagger sized) strapped to her leg and she hands another in a sheath to Imaro. They both prepare themselves. (NOTE to @Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) - your spell will stop at some point soon, so if there's anything else you want to have communicated to you, you might want to do that now, before we continue the journey.)
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 02-Jun-22 12:15 PM
Bellesh turns to the rest of the @SouthernSeas party and Angon and says, "I can feel the spell fading... if there's anything else we want him to tell us, we need to ask now."
TAKASHI (Alan) 02-Jun-22 03:06 PM
"I think the time for talking is over now, BELLESH." TAKASHI brushes the hilt of Flinnigan's Wrath and looks prepared to leave.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 02-Jun-22 03:15 PM
Bellesh nods, and looks about to make sure his familiar is nearby, ready to follow.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 02-Jun-22 03:40 PM
12 - 14 Au, 57AD The two Wild Folk lead you out through the remainder of the forest, and you find yourselves moving much more quickly than you had in the previous days. Subtle paths and clear areas become obvious as the two stride through them. At some point in the early evening, you come to an abrupt boundary where the remains of the violent explosion and lava-flow still scar the land. A vast area of broken stumps and jagged volcanic rock stretch from the volcano on your left to the city of Ramathia, which you can see the far-off towers on your right. Your evening is quiet - there are few distractions and although the bugs are still around, the two have enough unguent to make your sleep comfortable and bite free. Imaro seems disappointed that BELLESH cannot understand him anymore, but he shrugs with his characteristic equanimity and continues on, resorting to the pantomime and scratching the ground to get his points across when needed. The next day, you move steadily in a direction that keeps the volcano to your left, but at a certain point, Imaro and Anahala make it clear that you should be quiet and follow them in a single file. From their pantomine and the few words, they seem to indicate that the Giants may be nearby. They lead you through canyons and low points in the flow. You don't see any sign of these beings, and after awhile, Imaro relaxes and continues a more normal pace. By evening, you see the ocean far to your right/front. Now the two take you parallel to the coast, while remaining higher up. The terrain seems to change to far more blasted and burned trees than what you had encountered before, and there are far more broken boulders and huge stones tossed around in chaotic fashion - serving as testament to the sheer destructive power of the volcano's explosion.
. On the final day, clouds quickly move in from the west and soon enough, you are struggling along in biting rain. Anahala slows her pace down some but you make your way now diagonally to the right towards the coast, moving downwards. The coastline here is filled with sheer cliffs and craggy hills, mixed with ejecta from the volcano. The rain seems to go on for what feels like hours and then, just as quickly, the clouds break and you see the sun low in the sky. Anahala points to a canyon and indicates that there is your destination. It takes some time to get there and it is nearly dusk when you come upon a small and jagged looking cave entrance. Both Anahala and Imaro stop about 100 yards away. Imaro looks hopefully at BELLESH to see if he will understand his words as he points to the opening and speaks in his tongue.
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 02-Jun-22 07:54 PM
Bellesh begins chanting in low tones again, and gesturing as before to cast the comprehend languages spell, and ends by tapping Imaro on the shoulder. "Okay, Imaro!"
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro)
Bellesh begins chanting in low tones again, and gesturing as before to cast the comprehend languages spell, and ends by tapping Imaro on the shoulder. "Okay, Imaro!"
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 03-Jun-22 11:24 AM
Imaro seems have understood as he doesn't react badly. Once you finish, he looks at Anahala and then at you. "We cannot go further. Beyond is the Maw that leads to the Echoing Tunnels. Follow them. If you come to many, follow the one that smells and sounds like the ocean. You will then come to the Forbidden Caves. It will take you some time."
Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) 03-Jun-22 12:47 PM
"Well, they say this will get us to what they call the 'Echoing Tunnels'. Then, if we come to different ways to go we're to take the way that has ocean smells and noises. That'll get us to what they call the 'Forbidden Caves.' I'm ready to go!" Bellesh offers his hand for Imaro to shake and says, "Thank you!"
Cynric 03-Jun-22 03:07 PM
Cynric bows to the Wild Folk, thanking them warmly for having brought the group to this entrance with safety. Then he picks up a torch and his scimitar, getting ready to enter the cave.
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 04-Jun-22 10:28 AM
Indrian gathers the elven scouts and divides them up so that 5 will be in front, 5 will be in back. She will be in the back, guarding Shaiman. An initial scout takes a quick look inside and returns with news -- "It's a very tight squeeze and will be difficult to travel through. We will be single column for awhile." Angon and Almanin confer with @Doc (Bellesh/Brother Calandro) and @Graian/Elmon Parona (Chris) on their choices of spells and magical powers. "I have made sure that I can create some light, put several foes into a slumber and create a magical rope - in a pinch, it will carry myself and five others to a safe place, if needed!" says Angon. "I can burn someone with a touch, shoot a magical dart or two, and like our very capable companion (he nods and bows to BELLESH with respect), I can give our companions the strength of a giant!" Almanin adds. Claudia simply girds her weapons and armor and stands by @Cynric at the ready. (@TAKASHI (Alan), @CALLIN, @ATACIUS (Gabriel) -- any other preparations before we delve into these caves?) (I should note that Herm did not choose to come with you all. The excitement of the past few days in Ramathia and the emotional upheavals he faced had drained him. The ship's surgeons promised to take care of him and give him rest back at camp.)
TAKASHI (Alan) 06-Jun-22 10:28 AM
TAKASHI bows to the Imaro and Anahala. "I'll be up front with the forward contingent of scouts." Sword and board ready, TAKASHI is ready to march.
ATACIUS (Gabriel) 06-Jun-22 10:33 AM
ATACIUS stops @TAKASHI (Alan) "Wait friend, let me go with the forward scouts. We want to be as stealthy as possible and you're not dressed for the occasion!" says the littleling knocking on the fighter's armor. "If we find a threat let's hope we can outrun it!" (edited)
TAKASHI (Alan) 06-Jun-22 10:37 AM
"Of course, @ATACIUS (Gabriel)! I know better than to get in your way..."
DM (Michael/Chgowiz) 13-Jun-22 11:07 AM
Moving to #act29-game!
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